About Me, Angela the rabbit :)

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Hey, guys, I'm Angela Chien. It's also fine to call me Rabbit. I major in Accounting at NCCU. I like listening to pop music, singing, reading romance novels, and making friends. So glad to meet you guys. :) Actually, I'm not sure about what I'm going to write down here in my blog, but I'll share my opinions on things I saw, I read, and heard of her and hope we can discuss those issues together. After reading my blog, you may write down what you thought about my opinion if you have come up with something in your mind. :")

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Everybody might have heard of paparazzi, but have you ever been snapped by paparazzi? Yes, I have. That just happened this Sunday.
  I went out for dinner with my good friend. We’ve known each other well since we were in high school. When we sit down and was going to order food, he saw his classmates sitting besides us, so he said hello to them. There were four of them, two men and two women. After that, I heard them whispering and giggling unkindly, “HAHA, being caught red handed by me, huh?” The man (or maybe I should call him “boy”?) stood up and walked to this next table, “What are you laughing at? I just want to take a piece of tissue!” he said. After doing that, taking the tissue, I mean, he turned around slowly, walked back, and sit at his original place. Maybe he thought that only they knew what had happened, but I DID SEE EVERYTHING. I saw him turning around with his cell phone in his hand, and the camera lens was aiming at me and my friend. After his sat down, “Let us see that!” two girls even said.
  My friend asked me whether I would care about it or not. I answered that I’m not angry at them; I just think they are childish and boring. And I’m a little bit worried that they might make up rumor about him in their department, especially while recently something depressing occurred to him. He said there’s no need to worry about him. To me, my boyfriend knows that this guy is my good friend, just like brother and sister, so, that’s fine. I’m wondering what they want to do with those photos. Post on Facebook? Show them to the girl who likes my friend?
Actually, I don’t know what common should I give on this thing and those people.


  1. I met some persons in high school as you met last Sunday. Though they didn’t take pictures, they made up a rumor; therefore almost same grade of the high school (about 300 people) knew it. I was bother by the rumor and got hurt. The society seems to like making up rumors, I think it’s really a bad habit.

  2. Hey Angela,

    I feel sorry for what happened to you. I do think those people were childish and quite rude. It’s good to hear that you were not too angry or annoyed. There was no need to be, but I also think there might be some things you should have considered.

    First is that what they did might be illegal. Though I am not a law major student, I am not very sure if it is. Second, I think you definitely have the right to stop them and ask them to delete the pictures. You could stand up for your rights. Last, I it would be brave for you to politely tell them that what they did is very rude and they might get into trouble by doing so.

    I don’t really know what I would do if that happens to me too. Just some thoughts.


  3. To Alice,
    Maybe just because that kind of silly people are everywhere makes "A**le Daily" and "N**t Magazine" so popular. :(

    To Alvin,
    It's so kind of you telling me this, thanks for your advice. :)
    After they left the restaurant, I told my friend that I was a little bit regret that I didn't make a "YA" pose to the camera. I think, if they keep doing things like that, they might get into troble in the neer future.
