About Me, Angela the rabbit :)

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Hey, guys, I'm Angela Chien. It's also fine to call me Rabbit. I major in Accounting at NCCU. I like listening to pop music, singing, reading romance novels, and making friends. So glad to meet you guys. :) Actually, I'm not sure about what I'm going to write down here in my blog, but I'll share my opinions on things I saw, I read, and heard of her and hope we can discuss those issues together. After reading my blog, you may write down what you thought about my opinion if you have come up with something in your mind. :")

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


  Because our department is going to hold a 5-days summer camp in July, we are asked to put up posters in schools and cram schools around Taiwan. I am in charge of Taichung city, and last Saturday,  I went to one of the "popular" buildings of cram schools to stick posters on the wall of the stairways.
 At noon, while I finished the 7th floor and was going downstairs, all of a sudden, I slipped and  lost my balance. Luckily, I let my bags go reflexively, proted my head, and fell on my left back. I was too hurt to move for 2or 3 minutes, and unable to stand up for 10 minutes. After I stood up and looked back, I counted 8 stairs I missed.
  When I got home at night, I found that I got bruises on my thighs and calves, and also scratches on left calf, and left part of my chest hurt when I laughed. I think I was lucky enough to escape with these minor injuries. Actually, the most embarrassing part was that not until my dad told me did I notice that the back of my clothes was torn!!! I even wear it to go shopping and to a movie in the afternoon!!!


  1. your blog is ver cute!!!i like it:)
    oh!!it shoud be such hurt when you slipped through stairs.but i agree with you that you are a lucky girl, because you didn't have too serious promble to your bone or head.
    but, it's really embarassed to wear the torn clothes to go shoppin.
    Didn't anybody tell you about that??><

  2. It's hurting!!!
    By the way, I went Qingtong this spring break. My boyfriend asked me to go down the railway to take photo. I sat by the platform and tried to jump down. I can't balance on the rocks and bend over the railway!! Tourists were all looking at me. Thank godness that no trains were coming that moment. But I could only laughed at myself for my clumsiness.

  3. Dear Ellen,

    Thanks for your admiration. :")
    Nope, no one told me but my dad. :( Neither did my boyfriend noticed that. He even laught when I told him about my torn clothes.

    Dear Hui Kee,

    WHAT???!!!You jumped down the railway and fell?! By the way, why could you did that? That's too dangerous! @@" It seems that both of us need to be more careful when we are doing something that we think is easy.
