About Me, Angela the rabbit :)

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Hey, guys, I'm Angela Chien. It's also fine to call me Rabbit. I major in Accounting at NCCU. I like listening to pop music, singing, reading romance novels, and making friends. So glad to meet you guys. :) Actually, I'm not sure about what I'm going to write down here in my blog, but I'll share my opinions on things I saw, I read, and heard of her and hope we can discuss those issues together. After reading my blog, you may write down what you thought about my opinion if you have come up with something in your mind. :")

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


  I don't know how people would react to these kinds of things, and I think the way I reacted may have been a little bit childish and selfish. Maybe you could share your feelings with me, please.
  One of my friends in our class regards me as her best friend in NCCU. I'm happy to hear her saying that to her friends..., but a little bit worried, also. Because I'm not getting along with her recently. It's just my personal feeling, and I haven't talked about this problem with her yet. What would you feel if your friend always murmurs about tests, exams, homework, and complains about how difficult it is to finish these stuff? Especially when she can always fixes them well in the end? She always do more exercises than you and get pretty well grades on those tests.
  I know that she spare no efforts on grasping every timing to study, and that's why she can do more exercise and do better on tests. Actually that's also one of the problems. Sometimes, she wants to do much better so she studied the quiz which would be taken at noon during class. And after the quiz, she borrowed my notes of the class she missed. And that notes is just like...I sacrificed my quiz in order not to skip this important class. However, I do not mean that she couldn't complain or express her feelings, bad moods with me, or even get better grades than me. I just can't stand with too many negative thoughts, because I'm glad to listen to my friends' deep thoughts and feelings. But those words she say always makes me nervous. It makes me think that "Oh, no... I may also not be able to finish those works because they are too many of them."
  These mid-term weeks, she makes me feel much more pressured. I secretly try to stay away from her because I'm afraid of I might say or do something hurtful to her if I eventually could not bear with it any longer... Am I childish? I think so, but I still don't have guts to fix this issue. Maybe I'll try to let her know my thoughts this Friday.


  1. It’s truly a pretty tricky issue. You’re not childish at all.
    I think “a friend” should be a person that makes you feel comfortable to be with, has something in common with you, and can share things and secrets together. But, what I see in your post doesn’t seem to be a friend, especially “best friend” you mention. Maybe you’re not that match to be friends…
    This is just my personal opinion. I think you can try to ask more people about this and chose the best way you think. Good luck!

  2. I think this problem is common in University life. There are many people doing the same thing like your “friend”. If she only takes your “things” but doesn’t feedback anything to you, or feels thankful or sorry about the things she done, finally, you wouldn’t stand her anymore, then, that’s not your fault. The relationship is very different between high school and college, because we always change classmates, and the members in groups are often change. If you really can’t stand her anymore, then just let her feel that you are very busy, and she will find someone else to help her.

  3. I have a friend like Angela describes, too. He always makes a great job in his text and has good grade, but he complains everything, like his hard work, his talent or others very often. Sometimes I just want him to shut up his mouth. XD (That isn’t kind, but I can’t stop with it.) I wish I could have the answer for it, too.
