About Me, Angela the rabbit :)

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Hey, guys, I'm Angela Chien. It's also fine to call me Rabbit. I major in Accounting at NCCU. I like listening to pop music, singing, reading romance novels, and making friends. So glad to meet you guys. :) Actually, I'm not sure about what I'm going to write down here in my blog, but I'll share my opinions on things I saw, I read, and heard of her and hope we can discuss those issues together. After reading my blog, you may write down what you thought about my opinion if you have come up with something in your mind. :")

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Big event!

  There will be a big event being held on This Thursday and Friday. It's NCCU's annually Cheer Squad Competition!
  Beginning from winter vacation, our department has started preparing for this important event. And during these three months, our cheer squad members have come through so many ups and downs together. And every member of us, 25 boys and 24 girls, has known each other pretty well, and our friendships are very strong. Since the competition is more than close, we spare no efforts on playing this game well. And hoping we can win what we want to win eagerly.
  Joining Cheer Squad is a very interesting thing. You can not only make many friends but also enjoy in the atmosphere of "working together as a big family"! Being a member of cheer squad, you cheer people around, and yourself, too.
  I must have to say, I'm lovin' it!!!!
  If you haven't seen this before, why not come to join us the day after tomorrow? I bet you that your heart will be afire then!!!

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